Make a complaint about us
If you are unhappy with our actions, decisions or how we deliver our services, please let us know.
If your complaint is about the outcome of a case, ask for an internal review.
If your complaint is about the service we provided while handling your case, please make a complaint.
Ask for an internal review
You can request an internal review if:
- we have closed your case
- you believe we have made an error when dealing with your case, and
- you have tried to resolve your concerns with the relevant staff member.
Requests for internal review should be made within 60 days of your case being closed.
How do I request an internal review?
You will need to contact us:
- explaining why you believe the Ombudsman staff member made an error
- providing evidence in support of your belief.
You will need to tell us what you believe we have done wrong. If you do not, it is unlikely we will accept your request.
You can make a request via email, mail or phone:
Mail: Level 2, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000
Phone: 1800 806 314
If you can, we encourage you to send your request via mail or email. It might make it easier for us to understand why you think we have made an error.
What does an internal review involve?
A senior Ombudsman staff member will do the review. This person will be new to your case.
They will look into your case, to see whether it was handled in a way that was consistent with our policies and procedures, Service Delivery Charter and legislation.
They will consider whether:
- our staff member made decisions or took actions that were unreasonable or incorrect
- we should have done anything better in handling your case.
What are the possible outcomes of an internal review?
The Senior staff member may decide:
- your case should be re-considered by our office
- our original decision was correct and nothing further will happen
- we should make improvements to our service.
We will contact you to tell you the outcome.
How long does an internal review take?
We aim to finish internal reviews within 30 days. We will let you know if a review is going to take longer.
Complaints about our service
If you are unhappy with the service we provided, tell the staff member involved.
It is helpful if you can tell them:
- the actions or behaviour you are unhappy with
- the outcome you are seeking.
The staff member may:
- apologise
- provide an explanation
- raise the matter with a more senior Ombudsman staff member who may then contact you.
If you are unsure of the staff member involved in your matter, you can make a complaint at or by calling 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (regional only).
Organisations that take complaints about us
If your complaint is about improper conduct by an Ombudsman staff member, you should make a public interest disclosure to:
You can also complain to Integrity Oversight Victoria about matters such as:
- whether we provided procedural fairness during an investigation
- how we exercised our coercive powers during an investigation.
Complaints about our procurement process
Step 1: Lodging a complaint
To lodge a complaint about a procurement process, please email to details of your complaint detailing the following information:
- Person at VO discussions or emails have occurred with and details of the complaint.
- Reason you believe the organisation did not correctly apply VGPB supply policies in relation to a procurement activity (add Procurement Activity name and reference number in email title).
Step 2: Complaint investigation process
Within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint:
- You will receive a written acknowledgement of your complaint.
- VO will record the complaint on the agency’s register.
The VO will appoint a person independent to the Procurement Activity to investigate the complaint. Within 20 working days of receipt of your complaint:
- An independent person will investigate your complaint.
- VO will provide you with a written response with the outcome of the complaint investigation.
If additional information is required, or the services of external parties are required to advise on elements of the complaint, there will be an extension of time. This will be based on the number of working days between the request for, and receipt of, additional information and/or advice sought.
Step 3: Complaint outcome
Once VO has written to you with the complaint outcome, VO will record the outcome in the agency’s register. If you disagree with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board for review.