Service Delivery Charter

These are the service standards you can expect from us when you contact us for help. We hold ourselves accountable to these standards.

Our service

The Ombudsman is an independent officer of the Victorian Parliament.

The Ombudsman’s office:

  • Receives complaints about the actions and decisions of Victorian Government bodies, local councils and other publicly funded organisations under the Ombudsman Act 1973 (Vic). We may try to quickly resolve or conciliate the complaints, or we may investigate these complaints
  • Receives and may investigate public interest disclosures about the conduct of public officers and bodies under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic)
  • Conducts training, and reviews organisations’ complaint handling practices to help improve public administration.

Our staff are authorised to exercise some of the powers of the Ombudsman. Information we obtain cannot always be made public.

You can access our services online, via webchat, or by phone or mail. If you need particular help in communicating with us, please let us know. We are happy to make any reasonable adjustment that will assist you in communicating with us.


Level 2
570 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


(03) 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (landline only)

131 450 (for translation service)

133 677 then 03 9613 6222 (for national relay service)

Facsimile: (03) 9602 4761


Online complaint form:

Our standard office hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (except on Victorian public holidays).

Our commitment

The Ombudsman is committed to providing an accessible and responsive service that is:

  • free, independent and impartial
  • open and transparent
  • focussed on meaningful outcomes in our work
  • sensitive to the specific needs of people who contact us.

    How we can help you

    We can consider complaints about most actions and decisions of:

    • Victorian government bodies
    • Councils
    • other Victorian publicly-funded organisations
    • those acting on behalf these organisations.

    If we think there might be wrongdoing, we can make enquiries or conduct an investigation. We don’t look into every complaint we receive.

    We will tell you about the outcome of our consideration of your complaint, including our reasons for any conclusions we reach. Usually we inform the organisation involved too.

    If we do not intend to take action on your complaint, we will explain why and, where possible, provide you information about other available options.

    We can also receive most public interest disclosures about improper conduct or detrimental action involving a public officer or body (<a href=" ).We"> > will deal with your complaint in a professional manner. Our staff are expected to be courteous, respectful and responsive in all their communications. We expect the same of you when you communicate with us.

      Keeping you informed

      We aim to:

      Deal with most straight-forward complaintswithin 30 days
      Deal with complaints after making enquirieswithin 90 days
      Investigate more complex caseswithin 9 months
      Update you about your complaint, unless it is not practical or appropriate to do soevery 4 weeks

      How you can help us

      To help us deal with your complaint, it is helpful if you give us:

      • Your name and contact details. You can be anonymous; however, this will restrict our ability to communicate with you
      • A summary of your complaint, including dates and a short explanation of what you have done to try to resolve the matter yourself
      • The outcome you are seeking by contacting us.


      We monitor our performance against service standards and listen to feedback to identify and improve the way we work.

      Information about our performance is also published in our Annual Report.

      The Ombudsman reports to the Victorian parliament and the parliamentary Integrity and Oversight Committee, which is responsible for:

      • monitoring, reviewing and reporting to Parliament on the performance of the Ombudsman
      • examining Ombudsman reports tabled in parliament.

      Further information

      More information about the Ombudsman's role and responsibilities is available, including:

      Complaints about us

      We welcome your feedback, including how we can improve on and what you think we have done well.

      If you are dissatisfied with the way in which we have dealt with you or your complaint, you can complain to us. ( ). We may review our decision.

      Integrity Oversight Victoria ( ) can receive complaints about:

      • how we have used the Ombudsman’s coercive powers
      • how we have provided procedural fairness.

      Customer satisfaction survey

      You will be asked if you would like to take part in a survey when you submit your online complaint or call us. You can also tell us that you would like to participate in a survey at any other time.


        Find out what type of complaints we take. Read answers to common questions people have about our process.

        Complaints — Read more