State Trustees
We can help resolve complaints about State Trustees. Find out how we can help.
State Trustees manages the financial affairs of 10,000 Victorians. These Victorians are not able to look after their own money, due to disability or mental illness.
State Trustees:
- collects and manages people’s income
- pays their bills
- takes care of their property
- manages any legal issues.
What is our role?
We take complaints about the decisions and actions of State Trustees.
We encourage you to complain to State Trustees first.
If you’re not happy with its response and the issue continues to affect you, we may be able to help.
What type of complaints can we take?
If you have a raised an issue with State Trustees and it has not made reasonable attempts to fix it, you can contact us.
Your complaint may be about:
- your bills weren't paid on time
- your income and/or entitlements are not correct or are not kept up-to-date
- you feel you don’t have a say in how your money is being managed.
We look at whether the organisation acted in a way that was lawful, reasonable and fair.
We also look at whether State Trustees breached human rights or did not consider them properly.
Who can make a complaint?
Anyone can complain to the Ombudsman.
Complaints about State Trustees are usually from:
- a client of State Trustees
- a support person who has written authority to represent the client.
Useful links
- Make a complaint to State Trustees
Looking to make a complaint?
Use our online form to create and submit your complaint