Prisoner distressed by solitary confinement


Lucas was in solitary confinement because the prison had concerns for his safety. He didn't want to be in solitary. As a result of our enquiries, the prison moved Lucas out of solitary into the general population.

What was the case?

Lucas is gay. Because of this, the prison had concerns for his safety at that particular time and put him in solitary for five days.

Lucas was distressed about being in solitary. He said that in the past he had served a seven-month sentence in the general population without an issue. He had raised his concerns with both senior and junior unit officers at the prison. He wanted to speak to Lifeline for support but did not have their contact details.

Our enquiries

We were concerned about Lucas's immediate welfare and human rights. We made enquiries with the prison about why it had not granted Lucas's requests.


After speaking with Lucas, prison staff moved him out of solitary confinement. They also gave him contact details for Lifeline so he could get the support he needed.

Please note: Outcomes may vary depending on individual circumstances