Prisoner's mother concerned for his safety


Wendy was concerned about her son John, who was in a mainstream prison unit. She said John had several mental health problems and disabilities. She was worried for his safety. We contacted the prison. They moved John to another unit within the prison and provided him with a support officer.

What was the case?

Wendy contacted us, concerned about her son John's health and safety. John had recently entered prison. Wendy felt the prison had failed to assess John, medically or psychiatrically. She said John had several mental health problems and disabilities. She was worried that he would not be safe in a mainstream prison unit. She wanted him placed in a protection unit.

Our enquiries

We asked the prison whether John had been assessed and what support the prison was providing him. The prison said John had been medically assessed. It said all prisoners are medically assessed upon arrival.

As a result of our enquiries, a 'case management review' was undertaken the following day. This included another medical assessment. This identified John as having an intellectual disability.


The prison approved John's request to transfer to another unit within the prison. He was also allocated a support officer to assist him with reading, writing and other needs.

Please note: Outcomes may vary depending on individual circumstances